Together, we can solve the climate crisis

Everything we do – eating, shopping and moving about – causes emissions. To solve the climate crisis, we have to reduce our emissions and remove the extra CO₂ that is already in the atmosphere.

Action needs to be taken

Together, we can solve the climate crisis.

The global average carbon footprint is 5,000 kg CO₂e per person.* This figure represents lots of people worldwide whose lives produce smaller emissions than this, and lots of people who produce greater emissions. If we want to stop global warming at the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees, we must all do our part to lower the average carbon footprint drastically — it must go down to 2,500 kg CO₂e by 2030, and to just 700 kg CO₂e by 2050.

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9 036

kg CO₂

Average annual carbon footprint of test takers on



This is how much CO₂ there is in the atmosphere

2 500

kg CO₂

Sustainable annual global carbon footprint per person by 2030



This is the "safe" level of CO₂, if we want to keep global warming below 1°C


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